Great game, bad controls
Hey you guys did a damn fine job on this game, really like the power of 3 theme used on the color change, really unique. I just feel you should have offered a different control scheme, being right handed I hated using the "A" "W" "D" keys. Also, what's the deal with making the yellow powers happen with "S" when the other colors use SPACEBAR? IDK just seems like consistency would have been the better alternative, bit confusing when you need to go invisible and you hit space 'cause your mind tells you " hey, that's the power button for the other colors, so yellow applies to right?"
I DID like that mouse option for changing on the fly, reminded me of Bioshock's weapon change system, pausing the game and choosing from a wheel, got a little annoying, but that's what the "J" "K" "L" option was for right? ( See, having the other option to move with arrow keys would have been STELLAR )
IDK, just hung up on controls, maybe others don't have the issue but it was a real deal breaker for me. It's like I had to figure out the puzzles AND fight the controls, which having to do both isn't fun in my book, but again, I REALLY liked the theme, it was presented great, nice audio, animations, everything else.
Wow, what a long review. I need to go lie down...